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Covid Control Measures

Even though certain legal requirements are being removed as of Monday 19th July, I do not feel it quite right to go back to drop-in classes just yet, as many of you have expressed concerns about the ongoing Covid situation and the high rate of infection in Oxford. 


We will therefore continue for the time being with the pre-booking system and the same number of people in class. Please follow the same rules when in class.


Each class will be restricted to maximum of 5/6 people and each dancer will be allocated to specific place at barre and for centre work. With reduced numbers in class, there is more than adequate space for everyone to remain separated at all times and avoid any mixing. 


We will adopt 1.5 hour length for all classes but this may change if necessary. 


All barres and window sills and high touch areas are sanitised before and after every class.

There will be a gap between classes to enable this and to ensure that people are not mixing as they leaving and arriving for the next class.


There are hand sanitiser dispensers in the studio, by the entrance and toilets. 


All classes are booked in advance and I have contact details of every dancer attending should there be any need for contact tracing in the event of a reported positive test result.


While the restrictions remain in place, the classes will be conducted in such a way that there is no contact or mixing between teacher and dancers. 


The heating in the studio is quite effective so the windows can be kept open for good ventilation even at this time of the year. 



Extra Measures for Pas de deux classes and Show Rehearsals


As show rehearsals and pas de deux classes unavoidably involve close contact between dancers, we need to stick to some fairly strict rules for the time being.  


  • Please take twice weekly lateral flow tests and send photographs of the tests with your name and dates written on them or show them to Yuka when you arrive.

  • Wear a face mask.

  • Use hand sanitiser during and after.

  • Make sure to wear freshly laundered ballet gear. DO NOT wear something that has been worn previously without washing them.

Arrival and Leaving

Please make sure you arrive up to 5 minutes before the start time of classes, but not too early to ensure that the previous class can leave before you enter. 
Please wear a face mask in corridors and stairs, and other communal areas in the building. 


Wherever possible, please warm up a little bit before you come to class. (There are some online classes available for extra stretching and strength conditioning)


Please wash or sanitise your hands thoroughly upon arrival. 


Please come dressed for class as much as possible. 


Upon arrival, you will be allocated a numbered place for your belongings (please try to keep your belongings inside your bags as much as possible). You will then be allocated to a specific place at a barre - these are either numbered or colour coded. 


After class, please take your bag to where you stood for centre work to get ready to leave, and please leave the studio and the building as swiftly as possible without mixing with others. 

In Class

Please stay within your allocated area and do not encroach on anyone else's space. If you are not sure what to do or where to go, please wait till you are told. 


When not everyone is doing a centre exercise at the same time, we will face towards the wall painted green, and those waiting will stand by the allocated spaces by the fixed barres by the windows. This way, everyone will stay facing the same direction.


When using the barre, no one will be facing each other. 


If you need to move across the room to access your belongings or go out to use the toilet, please indicate first so people can leave a clear path.


Please make sure there is no socialising within the studio or the building.


Please do not come to class if you have any Covid symptoms or feeling unwell.


Please do not wear your ballet/pointe shoes to the toilet. 


Please wash and/or sanitise your hands regularly and avoid touching your mouth and face. 


Please feel free to wear a mask during classes.



Keep in Touch

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