Yuka Kodama Ballet Group

Timetable & Booking System
Find YKBG Timetable on Google Calendar to keep up-to-date with our schedule.
It usually gets updated by the beginning of each week.
You can also get regular updates on our Facebook page and Instagram.
It is strongly recommended to book and pay for classes individually in advance at the moment.
In order to keep the cost to a minimum (i.e. no booking fee), we will keep using the Whenavailable poll to submit requests for places in the in-studio classes (press the button below to find the poll). I will then send you the offer of places in specific classes. The booking will be confirmed once you have sent the payment.
Please make sure I have your contact details when requesting for places in class, so that I can send you the offer details.
Obviously, with limited places available, the sooner you book, the better the chance of getting a place. I will try to allocate places on a first come, first served basis but will also try to ensure that everyone gets their turn when demand is high.
A limited number of drop-in spaces may be available, when the classes are not fully booked on a first come first served basis. There will be an extra £1 charge to cover the transaction fees.
Available slots are announced on stories of our Instagram and Facebook.
Booking and payment system
If classes are offered by me more than 24 hours in advance, payment is to be made by 24 hours prior to the class starting times.
If classes are requested by you less than 24 hours before the starting time, payment is to be made within 12 hours of the offer being made, and at the latest 1.5 hour before the starting time.
Cancellations notified 24 hours or more in advance will receive full refund or credit for another class.
Cancellations by 9am of the day of the evening classes* will receive half price refund or credit for another class. (*this excludes Wednesday morning class and Saturday classes)
If someone else is on the waiting list and can take your place with short notice, you will be able to get a full refund/credit.
Cancellations made after 9am for evening classes or with less than 12 hours for Wednesday morning class or Saturday classes will not qualify for refund/credit.
If I do not receive a response to the offer of places in classes or receive payment by the due time, the offer may be revoked and the place given to someone on the waiting list.
If 3 consecutive reminders of payment are issued, for future classes payment will be required at the time of making a request for a place. (If the desired class is full, the payment can be transferred to another class at no extra cost.)
Please don't come to the studio if you have any Covid symptoms such as fever, cough, etc. Please wash your hands when you arrive, and keep a safe distance away from each other. Please do not enter the studio until the previous class have all left the room.
Upon arrival, you will be assigned where to put your bags and your place at the barre. Please bring your own yoga mat or a bath towel to sit on for the warm-up.
The cupboard is off limits until further notice.
I will sanitise barres and door handles between classes, but please maximise your own hygiene and wash and sanitise your hands frequently. Please feel free to wear a mask in classes.
I will try to keep the room ventilated as much as possible (i.e. having the windows open). Please bring some warm-ups when the weather turns cold (wherever possible, please wear tight-fitting garments so I can see the lines of your body better). The radiators in the room are very good, so I should not think it will be too bad.
How to Join Our Zoom Classes
Add yuka_kodama@yahoo.com on Zoom and use our meeting ID to join our online classes!
Once you are added, pay for the first class you wish to attend upfront. You will then be added to our group page where you can find the ID, password and payment details.
If you have not been to out classes before, you will not be automatically added. Make sure to send a quick message so we know who you are.
Please pay before the class starts by bank transfer.
Regular Timetable
All Classes are happening on Zoom as well
Monday (St. Margaret's Institute)
6.00-7.30pm: Intermediate
Tuesday (Jericho Community Centre)
5.00-6.30pm: Beginners/Returners
6.30-7.15pm: Tone & Flex
7.15-8.45pm: Advanced
8.45pm~: Rehearsal for Show 2024
Evening: (St. Margaret's Institute)
6.00-6.30pm: Mechanisms of Ballet
6.30-8.00pm: Lower Intermediate
8.00-9.00pm: Rehearsal for Show 2024